Sunday, August 25, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

I am joining Taryn of Wooly Moss Roots in celebrating a few things that I am so very thankful for.

First and foremost, I assure you I am here! Do you ever have those periods of life when you have been super busy and yet when someone asks you, "with what?", you have no earthly idea. Yep, that's me! 

This week I am thankful for...

- a safe and uneventful trip to Atlanta for work this past week. I met a few awesome colleagues from around the country and learned a few new things too! 

- a long, cup runneth over type weekend last weekend when we hosted lots of friends and a few family members for GenCon and other various visits here at the compound. It was awesome to have so many people we love under one roof!

- FINALLY getting my new fitbit! I washed my last one by accident and it died... so I ordered a new one at a generous discount thanks to their awesome customer service but for some reason it was classified as hazmat and took forever to get here! I am not happily counting my steps, stairs, calories, and sleep once again! 

- husband and kitty snuggles upon returning home! 

- McAlister's Deli now offering gluten free bread!!! This rocks my world in so many wonderful ways!

- my totally neglected and totally out of control garden. I sooo need to get out there and get to drying and freezing for winter!

- the offer from Shane's parents to come visit next week and help with some house projects!

What are you thankful for this week? 


  1. wonderful list. :) have a great week

    1. Aww, thank you! I hope you have a wonderful week too!

  2. I loved my fitbit...until I lost the charge cord! I had one of the original ones and it would be more cost effective to just by a new one than shell out $50 (!!) for a new charger. I hope you get a lot of use from your new one and a bit more luck with it :-)

    1. I'm glad you got a new fitbit! They are awesome! I felt so lost without mine waiting for my new one to come! :)
