Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

I am joining Taryn of Wooly Moss Roots in celebrating a few things that I am so very thankful for.

This week I am so very thankful for... 

- this wonderfully rainy, cool, and cozy weather. Waking up to the sounds of rain this morning was an absolute blessing in every way! Fall is coming (finally)!!!!

- hot tea on these cool mornings. It somehow tastes better... 

- Chats with my mom and my sister. 

- My Shaney... I absolutely have the best husband ever!

- A surprise luffa growing and growing in my garden. It was near death when I transplanted it way back in the early spring but over the past few weeks it has given way to a luffa about the size of a large banana and it keeps growing. I hope that I can harvest and use it. I have learned so much and hope for more success next year.

- Chocolate almond milk... such a delightful healthy treat!

- The opportunity to click my needles and make progress on my knitting projects. 

- Only one more week of waiting until the Jack Johnson concert!!

- Amazingly supportive friends and family. I really have the best people to share the world with. 

- The gradual change in routine as the seasons change. 

- Have I mentioned the cool rain?!!!! 

What are you thankful for this week? 


  1. I'm always grateful for a bit of knitting time. Jack Johnson is a family favourite here, how cool to see him live! Enjoy!

    1. Knitting time is such a gift! This will be my second time seeing Jack live and I am over the moon excited!! He is fantastic in concert. If you get the chance I highly encourage it! :)

  2. I too am grateful for time to knit. :)

  3. time to knit... great. lovely list. <3

    1. Thanks so much... it really is the little things that are the best!
