Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gratitude Sunday

I am joining Taryn of Wooly Moss Roots in celebrating a few things that I am so very thankful for.

As I type this the snow is continuing to fall (11+ inches and counting), the power is flickering, and we have been out twice to shovel the walk and drive before the record setting sub zero temperatures freeze it all solid. For some of you this may be nothing new but while we get some rough winters in Indiana this is pretty bad. So bad, that I have heard a few folks tossing around, "not since the blizzard of '78" which is the standard by which all winter weather events are measured in the midwest. With that, I have an abundance to be thankful for (even if I did gripe some earlier today... it is a journey, right?). 

 I am thankful.... 

- That we have a warm, safe, solid house that (currently) has electricity. 

- That we have a stockpile of food and water if we need it.

- That both Shane and my offices have been closed tomorrow so that we can stay home and stay safe. 

- That as far as we know our loved ones are warm and safe too! 

- That despite my alternator going out and costing me a ton of money during the first round of snow this week it was able to be fixed and my car is ready when I do have to go back out for work. 

- For the adorableness that was Macabean out in the snow this afternoon. He is a Maine Coon that has lived indoors and is generally very spoiled but when we get a good snow we tend to put him out in it for a a few minutes. He pats around and then runs back in. Today was no exception but I think it's probably the deepest snow he has been in. 

- Hot tea! I have a stash of full caffeine and no caffeine for all my tea needs. In fact,  I have lost track of the cups I have enjoyed today. 

- An abundance of knitting to enjoy working on!

- The absolute beauty of the snow on everything! The way the air smells and feels! The way the wind sways the trees.... Snow is my favorite! 

I hope you are all warm, safe, and enjoying the beauty that is world around you! What are you thankful for? 


  1. Hope you continue to stay safe in the snow ;)

    Having a wonderful employer who does not demand you go into work is definitely something to be grateful for.

    1. So far, so snug today!

      I work for the state and this is the first time it has been closed in 30 years. I am VERY thankful that we were allowed to stay home and stay safe and warm!

      I hope you are well and have a wonderful week!

  2. What a great list. Safe and warm loved ones is truly something to be grateful for, and tea!! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much! Hot tea is indeed something to be grateful for! Today I have been enjoying both English and Irish Breakfast teas :)

  3. Isn't it funny how we tend to measure a current winter by what was considered the worst? My husband and I frequently say, "Well, at least this isn't as bad as the blizzard of '96" even though I do think the blizzards in 2010 were worse. :)

    1. It absolutely is funny how we seem to measure the current storm by previous storms. The blizzard of 96 I had just had shoulder surgery and the bummer wa that I couldn't go sledding... The worst part of the 2010 winter storms was the tons and tons of ice that we got... that was scary! I hope you stay safe and warm!

  4. Snow is such a marvel for me. Coming from a very hot place...snow is truly beautiful! Your cat looks adorable :0)

    1. Thank you so much! We think he is pretty adorable too!!! :)

      I LOVE snow!! I actually love the cold too... although not this cold. My bucket list includes living in Alaska.... someday! :)
